Thursday, July 10, 2008


thats right it is pretty much an epidemic! it's horrible, its tragic, its... Foodborne? Remember just about a month ago when everyone said stay away from the tomatoes they have salmonella, well salmonella decided to make a come back. Only this time it spiced things up, because it came back in hot peppers. (Spiced up, hahahaha thats a good one) So far over 1000 people have become ill and 2 elderly Texas men have died because they enjoy raw veggies. And if you think thats scary, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that it can't just be the tomatoes and peppers making us sick, it must be something else too. And with 20 - 40 people being reported each day this outbreak has no signs of stopping. If you ask me at this point this sounds like an attack from the Joker, Poison Ivy, or Lex Luthor. And this villain is just sitting at their hideout with their fingers tapping together smiling at the total chaos they have created. So to protect ourselves from these Super villains we must either cook our veggitables, or do as rob and i do and just quit veggies cold turkey! in fact, Eat turkey instead of veggitables!
Riley B- Admissions.

1 comment:

BryanLGH College of Health Sciences said...

oo riley you spelled VEGETABLES very wrong lol!! it makes me laugh! maybe you did it on purpose? just letting you know haha!
~kt~ :)