Monday, August 17, 2009

Fun Facts About College

Hi Everyone! I am Mckayla and I am a new Student Assistant in the Admissions office. I came across this website and thought you would enjoy some of these funny facts about college life. Enjoy :)

1.)5$ is a lot of money
2.)It's amazing how long a pair of pants can go without a wash.
3.)It's amazing how long you can go without a wash.
4.)You can't live off of ramen noodles all semester.
5.)You pull an all nighter so you can make it to a morning class.
6.)Registration is like taking a trip to the DMV.
7.)You learn the value of a text book.
8.)You go for piles of change and pick out all the quarters
9.)You pay for things with exact change.
10.)Bring sandals for the shower.
11.)Road trips can provide much needed relaxation.
12.)Student discounts work in the strangest places.
13.)Visiting new friends homes is always an experience.
14.)It might just be impossible to go to college without a student loan.
15.)Two words... Spring and Break.
16.)Ragu tomato sauce can serve as a replacement for ketchup.

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